Adult Training Seminars
The main purpose of our Sunday Adult Training Seminars is to equip the saints for the work of ministry so that the Lord Jesus would be glorified. Our desire is to teach a wide variety of topics that minister to the needs of the body. On the average Sunday, we will offer three classes for the church to choose from. Our Light track classes generally focus on key doctrines of the Christian faith such as salvation, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of the church. Our Life track classes usually focus on Christian living issues such as marriage, parenting and stewardship. Finally, our Logos track classes strive to systematically teach through the entire Bible book by book.
We invite you to check out our ATS ministry this coming Sunday! We believe that you will be greatly encouraged. All classes meet at 9:00 AM. If you stop by Building B, you can grab some coffee and refreshments before you head to your class. As you do, please note that only water is allowed in the Worship Center.