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Christ Our Redeemer Exalted (CORE)

Christ our Redeemer Exalted (CORE) is a Christ centered, dynamic ministry committed to the equipping and growth of the young, unmarried professional, ages 25-35. The Career Ministry is trained on how to apply Biblical principles in their everyday lives no matter the circumstance God has them in. Through our weekly Bible Study, discipleship ministries, and various outreaches, members are challenged and stretched in their faith to live their lives in service to Christ and one another. “And we proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ.” (Col 1:28).

We meet weekly at various homes. For more info, contact Erwin Reyes.

About CORE

Weekly Meetings

  • Announcements
  • Worship in song
  • Prayer
  • Bible study
  • Refreshments

Special Events

In addition to our regular Friday meetings, we have various events throughout the year to encourage fellowship and provide opportunities for evangelistic outreach. Some of the things we’ve done include:

  • San Francisco Bike Trip
  • Annual Camping Trip
  • 4th of July Beach Trip
  • COV vs. CORE Challenge
  • Benicia First Street Christmas Tree Lighting Outreach


We are serious about Christ’s commission to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19). Discipleship is a great way of shepherding those in our ministry towards further maturity and completion in Christ (Colossians 1:28). Discipleship groups meet regularly for instruction in the Word, prayer, accountability, encouragement, and fellowship. Any serious person desiring to be discipled may ask one of the staff and he/she will arrange it.

Annual Conference

Our Annual Conference is a great getaway to hear God’s Word and enjoy His creation. This is also a wonderful opportunity for outreach, counseling, and meditation in God’s Word and prayer.