The vision of the CBC Street Evangelism ministry is that members of our local body will be able to use their spiritual gifts to reach the streets of Vallejo with Gospel. The main focus of this ministry is to exalt our Lord and Savior by bringing His Gospel to lost sinners in our community in the hopes that some will believe and become worshippers of our Lord Jesus Christ. We want to see the people of Vallejo turn from dead idols, and come to worship the true and living God by placing their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We serve a seeking Savior, who came down from Heaven into this dark world to save us. We did not seek after him, but He sought after us and died for us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5). Therefore we are compelled to go into the darkness of our community and seek after the elect sheep of God. The Bible tells us that no one seeks after God (Rom 3), therefore we have to go to them with the truth of Gospel, so that they might turn and believe. We plan to go into the community wherever the Holy Spirit would lead us whether it be the farmers market, the shopping centers, the abortion clinic, or even door-to-door throughout the neighborhoods. Just as the King sent his servants out to the main highways in Matthew 22, we too go to the main places where people are gathered and invite them to the wedding supper of the lamb. We trust that our Sovereign God will lead us to the people that He desires for us to proclaim the Gospel to.
We have renounced shameful and crafty ways of adulterating the word of God (2 Cor 4: 2), and we are committing to the bold public proclamation of the Gospel because we believe that the gospel itself is the power of God to save (Rom 1:16). We look around with sadness at the world crumbling around us, and we know that the Gospel is the only answer to all of the problems we see in our communities. We know that our Lord’s return is near, and therefore we want to prepare the way for him by bringing the good news of His kingdom to the world around us. We know that we have no power in ourselves, and we pray that God would be so kind as to cause the seeds we plant to fall on the good soil producing much fruit. We trust that the Father desires to exalt his Son and He is committing to spread His fame.