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NextGen Students

Ministry to 7-12 graders

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Greetings from the Student Ministry Pastor

Hello friends! I’m Dan Arcilla, the full-time SM Pastor at CBC since 2011. I’ve also been serving in Student Ministry since 1989! I guess that makes me old :-).  Anyway, I want to welcome you to this church and our teen ministry. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me at

Summer Great Adventure Staff 2024


Our Mission

We disciple the next generation toward a Christ-exalting, mission-minded and biblical worldview.

We do this by assisting Christian families in their God-ordained task of raising worshippers of the true and living God. We seek to raise up disciples of Jesus Christ—evangelizing, establishing, and equipping young adults by God’s Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible calls for a godly synergy between parents in their primary, God-ordained task of raising their children in the Lord (Deut 6:6-7; Eph 6:4), and the call of the local church to train and equip believers (Eph 4:11-13).

Weekly Meetings

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM in the Student Center (Room 115), students gather for a time of Bible teaching, fellowship, and prayer. After Sunday School, students proceed to the main worship service with their families. The emphasis of this time is the instruction and equipping of believers for life and ministry. This format allows for teaching, interaction and discussion. Sunday School is also the main entry point into our discipleship program, 710 Ministries.

Student Sunday School runs September – May.

Junior High (TFC)

The Fellowship Club ministers to 7-8 grade students during the critical transition to adulthood. This ministry features Bible studies on basic Christian doctrines, musical worship and prayer, and diverse social activities to develop Christ-centered friendships.

  • Time: Wednesdays, 6:45-8:45 pm, September – May
  • CBC Building B
  • Leader: Melvin Aquino, TFC Director

High School (Crossroads)

Crossroads impacts young adults during the exciting process of increasing independence. This dynamic meeting features Christ-centered sermons, musical worship, prayer, social/athletic activities, and student service opportunities.

  • Time: Fridays, 7:00-9:30 pm, September – May
  • CBC Building B
  • Leader: Mario Santos, Crossroads Director


To supplement parental discipleship, 710 Ministries is a discipleship facilitation program where student groups meet regularly with trained staff leaders for Bible study, prayer, accountability, and encouragement. 710 is based on Ezra’s commitment to study, practice, and teach God’s Word (Ezra 7:10), and seeks to help bring students to maturity in their Christian lives. Students interested in getting involved with 710 should attend the 3rd Sunday school of the month to get involved.

710 Meeting Times

  • Usually the 4th Sunday School of the month

Special Events

We host many special events for evangelistic outreach. These include our Summer Volleyball Outreach Tournament, Movie Night, Stinson Beach hike, and many others. These events have connected many students to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are perfect opportunities students to invite friends for personal evangelism.

Summer Volleyball

Every summer from June to mid-August, we host a large outreach co-ed volleyball tournament. Hundreds of students from around the bay area have competed in this evangelistic outreach. Learn more.

Discipleship Camp

Discipleship Camp is an intensive Bible study camp focused on deepening of the students’ faith, and challenging them to participate in ministry. Camp attendance is limited to students who have been regularly involved with discipleship with parents or student ministry staff.

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is a 1-week program designed to allow students to retreat from daily life to be refreshed with Bible study, worship, and fellowship. This camp has historically been a wonderful opportunity for discipleship, counseling, and outreach.