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Encouraging Biblical Womanhood

Our Purpose

Consistent with the mission of CBC as a whole, the women’s ministry seeks to exalt Christ by making disciples (Matt 28:18-20). We do this primarily by training women in the biblical principles and practices of womanhood so that they will know how to carry out their God-given role in the home, the church, and the community (Titus 2:3-5, 1 Tim 5:9-10).

We do this specifically by walking alongside women to encourage them to mature in four key areas:

  • Conviction: that women would grow in their knowledge of God and understanding of the Bible.
  • Character: that women would cultivate godly character and a life consistent with God’s Word.
  • Competence: that women would take opportunities to use their abilities and spiritual gifts to serve and love others.
  • Care: that women would be intentional nurturers, coming alongside others to help them accomplish the mission Christ has for them.

Study Guides

Meeting Dates

All meetings will be at 9 a.m. on Saturday in the CBC Building B multipurpose room, unless otherwise noted.

2025 Ministry Year

Psalms – A Study to Promote Praise and Obedience to God

Dear Sisters,

Welcome to our 2024/2025 study for Encouraging Biblical Womanhood (EBW). This year we will be studying through selected chapters from the book of Psalms!

The Psalms are poetry written for and about God. They explore the full range of human experience and emotion. They are divided into five books that comprise a total of 150 individual psalms. The Psalms span the ten centuries from Moses to the days after the Jewish people’s exile. They consist of a wide variety of styles and purposes and emotions, such as lament, thanksgiving, praise, worship, pilgrimage, petition, and penitence. Each of the five books ends with a doxology. The last psalm is the closing psalm for book five and for the book of Psalms as a whole (Jim George, The Bare Bones Bible Handbook (Eugene: Harvest House, 2014), 91.).

Our Calling as a Biblical Woman

Studying the Psalms gives us an additional opportunity to continue discussing our role as Christian women. The Psalms, as we will see, equip us to be women of God.

As we learn about our great God and His ways, this will strengthen our conviction and grow us as Christian women. We will grow in godly character as we align our lives with scripture. Growth in godly character and Biblical conviction will result in competence and equip us to come alongside others to care for them.


  • Monthly Homework: Each month, we will study through two chapters in Psalms and answer questions for each to discuss in our Small Groups.
  • Scripture Memory: We will be memorizing several chapters of Psalms throughout the ministry year – Psalms 1, 19 and 103.
  • Optional Homework: Deeper Study questions are provided in the binder and you are encouraged to read about the life of David throughout the year.

More Information

If you would like any additional information or have questions about the EBW ministry, please feel free to call the church office at 707-553-8780 or email

EBW Media

Below are messages specifically from EBW meetings. We are in the process of tagging previous EBW messages so thank you for your patience.

Tane Martin - January 25, 2025

The Struggles of Faith

Scripture References: Psalms 73:1-28

From Series: "Women's Ministry"

Resources pertaining to Encouraging Biblical Womanhood, Women's Conferences/Events Mother's Club, Women's Mentoring Groups, etc.

More Sermons Associated With "Encouraging Biblical Womanhood"...

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All Women’s Media

Tane Martin - January 25, 2025

The Struggles of Faith

Scripture References: Psalms 73:1-28

From Series: "Women's Ministry"

Resources pertaining to Encouraging Biblical Womanhood, Women's Conferences/Events Mother's Club, Women's Mentoring Groups, etc.

More Sermons

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Psalms Study Notes 2024-2045