Free Publications
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Libros en Español
- Discipulado Básico
- Exaltando a Cristo por medio de una adoracion movida por la Palabra y avivada por el Espiritu
- El Liderazgo: La Estrategia de Dios para la Iglesia
- La Biblia: La Palabra Viva y Suficiente de Dios
Publications in English
CBC Publications
- Doctrinal Position, CBC
- Ecclesiology: This is Your Church
- Elders: Roles and Responsibilities
- Government: How Christians Relate to the Government
- Home Fellowship Group Ministry Manual
- Leadership: God’s Strategy for the Church
- Discipleship Mentoring Ministry
- The Bible: God’s Living, All-Sufficient Word (Bibliology)
- Constructing a Biblical Message
- God’s Written, Prophetic Word
- The Transmission of the Bible (A Paper by Phil Foley)
- Discipleship I: Basic Discipleship
- Discipleship II: Basic Bible Doctrine
- Discipleship: Basic Disciplemaking
- Discipleship & Leadership Development
- Discipleship Ministry Overview and Guidelines
Exalting Christ
- All Sufficient Savior
- The Bible and ADHD
- Christ Glorified in His All-Sufficiency
- Christ’s Infinite Fullness
- Exalting Christ in Life or Death
- Exalting Christ in Word-Fueled, Spirit-Inflamed Worship
- Jesus Heals the Emotions
- Jesus and the Depressed
- Mercy and Majesty: The Supreme Glory of Christ
- At Once and Forever: Why Justification is Final with No Future Aspect
- Justification: At Once and Forever: Why Justification Is Final With No Future Aspect
- Justification: Free Justification: A Hill to Die on
Men and Women
- Equality and Diversity: How God Has Created Men and Women Equal Yet Different
- God-Designed Marriage
- Marriage as it was Meant to Be
- Church Planting and the Spread of God’s Glory Among all Peoples
- Missions and the Glory of God’s Name
Money and Possessions
- Election: God’s Unchanging Love for His People
- Grace and Power (Soteriology)
- Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare
- Substitution and Particular Redemption
- Once Saved, Always Changed