Intro to GTC video
Children's Ministries
We at Community Bible Church love to minister to children and desire for them to have a passion for worshiping our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have multiple options for parents and children to worship here at CBC on Sunday morning and evening, and Wednesday nights. On Sundays those options include:
- Multiple children’s ministries where children are taught to see and savor Jesus Christ.
- Children are welcome with their parents in the main worship service.
- A child training room to help your children learn to worship (also known as the special overflow room).
- A nursing mom’s room (for mothers and babies only).
As you consider leaving your children in our ministries know that we take seriously the safety of your children. We do background checks, have applications on file, perform interviews, and have regular training for all who serve your children. We also have a computerized check-in system to ensure your kids are accounted for. Feel free to register your children below to allow us to serve you well!
Hello friends! My name is Jeremy Jackson and I’m the Pastor of Children’s Ministry here at CBC. I want to welcome you to our ministry. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at
Sunday Children’s Ministries
Newborn to 35 months
The nursery at CBC serves children from birth to 35 months old. The youngest members of our Children’s Ministries are cared for by loving volunteers who give personal attention to each child. We provide a secure environment that allows parent the opportunity to worship and hear the preaching of God’s Word, which are essential to their growth as parents. The nursery is equipped with changing tables, swings and age appropriate toys. A separate “mother’s room” equipped with rocking chairs and cribs are available for attending to your baby’s needs. If you are new to our nursery, please ask about sitting in during one of our services.
Sunday Nursery Schedule
Time |
Event |
9:00 – 10:15 AM |
Sunday School |
10:30 – 12:00 Noon |
Morning Service |
6:00 – 7:00 PM |
Evening Service |
Wednesday Nursery Schedule
Time |
Event |
Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 PM |
Wednesday Night Ministries |
Sundays at 9:00 and 10:30 AM
The preschool ministry serves children from 3 years old to Transitional Kindergarten.
Pre-schoolers are lovingly welcomed into a safe and caring environment where each week’s activities have been carefully planned. Playing, singing, crafts and Bible stories are all used to point these precious ones to Christ. Whether hearing a Bible story or simply seeing God’s love and patience demonstrated toward them personally, our desire is to lay a positive spiritual foundation in each child’s life.
We have preschool ministry during the Sunday School hour (9:00) and during the Worship Service (10:30).
Elementary School
9:00 AM for K-6
10:30 AM for K-3rd
Our curriculum is structured to teach the children the whole of God’s redemptive plan.
We worship God through song, large group Bible teaching, small group time, prayer and fellowship.
Teachers lead the students through Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Students learn about how the entire Bible points us to God’s love for His people throughout history as shown through the finished work of Jesus. Our desire is that children would see the glory and beauty of Christ through every aspect of this ministry. We pray that as they see Jesus they would be drawn to lay down their lives in joyful submission to the Lord of all.
Wednesday Children’s Ministries
The Generation To Come (GTC)
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
The Generation to Come program meets during the school year (September – June) serving children ages 3 to 11. The format is designed to maximize “fun-with-a-purpose!”
Children participate in worship time, game time, council time (the preached word), small group time for personal application, memory verse time, snacks, and more!
Register your child for the 2022-2023 School Year
Registration is now open for Children’s Ministry for the 2022-2023 school year!
The new ministry year for Sunday children’s ministries starts Sunday, September 4th, 2022. GTC starts Wednesday, September 14th 2022.
Sunday children’s ministry and nursery are free. GTC (Wednesday nights) has a registration fee of $30 per child. There is an early bird discount of $10 per child if you register before September 1st.
Please note that all children who attend (Sundays and/or Wednesdays) MUST be registered so that we have their current information on file. If you do not register in advance, your child’s name will not be on the class rosters when the new ministry year begins.
Wednesday Nursery
Wednesday nursery, 6:30 – 8:30 PM |