Register with TCBC Natomas
The Multifaceted Love of God
Summer Camp 2022
6 days and 5 nights of exciting Summer Camp action at beautiful Mount Hope Bible Camp.
Guest Speakers
Join us as we explore the multifaceted love of God from the book of Ephesians, presented by a multifaceted array of guest preachers.
- Ray Palompo – Island Grace Hawaii
- Angelo Tolentino – Redeemer Oceanside
- Louie Handugan – Grace Roseville
- Rod Santiago – Grace Roseville
- Francis Tobias – Cornerstone Natomas
- Heath Jarrett – Living Hope Chico
- John Caguin – Cornerstone Natomoas
Cost: $410 per person
If you have money in your student account from fundraisers or donations and you want to use that for camp please select that option in the “questions” section and choose the “pay later” option at checkout. The youth admin team will apply your fundraising money and send you a “balance due reminder” which provides you the balance due and a link to pay. If your fundraising account has sufficient funds to completely cover the cost of camp you will receive an email letting you know your balance is paid in full.
- SPACE IS LIMITED. There is a hard cap on the number of attendees.
- The last day to register is for camp is Sunday, July 3rd. THIS IS A HARD DEADLINE AND NO LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
- Regardless of registration date, all camp fees must be paid in full by Sunday, July 3rd.
All students must register online
All students must register online, even if paying in person by cash or check. Also please note that if you are planning to pay in person, you must register online BEFORE paying.
Additional forms to complete
- Upon completing the online registration, you will receive an email with the Health History and Medical & Liability Release forms. Your registration is not complete until you submit these forms.
Medical precautions/guidelines
The goal: No one who is ill should attend camp.
To prevent the spread of illness at camp, all attendees must undergo a mandatory pre-camp health screening conducted by registered nurses 24 hours prior to the start of camp. Registered nurses will check students for signs of any communicable diseases and head lice.
- Attendees currently positive for COVID within 1 week of start of camp cannot attend.
- For those who’ve had significant exposure to positive COVID, we reserve the right to ask them to provide a negative test prior to attending camp.
Because of the diverse nature of activities we cannot promise adherence to any specific COVID guidelines regarding masks, social distancing, and sanitization. If a child displays symptoms of any illness at camp, a doctor and/or registered nurse may make an assessment for parents to be called to pick up the child and take them home. If you, as a parent, are uncomfortable with the above details, please do NOT register your child for camp. Thank you.
This health screen is free at Community Bible Church.
Other churches must provide proof of passed health screens within 24 hours of July 17 for all of their campers to CBC prior to camp.
Details on Health Screen
Your host church (The Cornerstone Bible Church of Natomas) will provide information about your local health screening that takes place on July 16, 2022.