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Sermon Archive

We believe that the Scripture is the fresh and present voice of Christ by which He communicates through the Holy Spirit to His people. Therefore we desire to get the Word out. You can listen to our sermons via the player below, various Podcasts below, or the Exalting Christ App.

Finding Sermons

We have two sermon delivery platforms: Subsplash and Series Engine and Subsplash. We are in the process of transitioning to one platform, so thank you for your patience. If you have any problems finding or playing any sermons, please send an email to webmaster[at]

Subsplash Interface

Series Engine Interface

To play a sermon in the list below, click “Listen” next to the desired sermon, and then click “Download Audio.”

Cheryl Marshall - April 13, 2024

[EBW] Session 2: The Truth to Speak

From Series: "Women's Ministry"

Resources pertaining to Encouraging Biblical Womanhood, Women's Conferences/Events Mother's Club, Women's Mentoring Groups, etc.

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