Here you may download resources from previous training seminars, including audio files, notes and study guides. Please check back regularly as we intend to make more and more resources available over time.
Available Resources
Light Track
- Counseling Training Meetings
- Equipping Yourself to Grasp the All-Sufficient Word of Christ (Hermeneutics, 2014)
- Exalting Christ Through the Singing of Praises (Worship, 2017)
- Evangelism – You Shall Be My Witnesses (Evangelism, 2018)
- Bibliology (Bibliology, 2018)
Life Track
- Foundations for Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling (Biblical Counseling, 2015)
- The Christ-Centered Marriage (Marriage, 2016)
- How to Teach Others to Live for Christ (Homiletics, 2017)
- Parenting As Christ’s Ambassadors (Parenting, 2018)
- Fellowshipping in Christ’s Sufferings (Suffering, 2018)
- Exalting Christ with the Money He Entrusts To Us (Finances, 2019)
- Christian Liberties (Liberties, 2019)
- Developing a Christian Worldview (Worldview, 2019)
- When Two Become One Flesh: Pursuing Christ-Exalting Marriage (Marriage, 2020)
Logos Track
- Romans: God’s Righteousness Revealed (Romans, 2016)